The “about” page is always the hardest for me. I never know what people really want to know. I love food. I suppose that is a bit obvious. I also love photography and have ventured into the world of food photography and have discovered that I absolutely love it!

I have been bitten by the “slow food” bug and enjoy making food from scratch. You will not see recipes here that call for processed or packaged food. Some recipes may be fairly quick (under 30 min), others may take much longer. For me, food is not just about the eating. It is also about the process of making delicious, nutritious food. For me, making the food is just as much fun as eating it. And if I can enjoy it with friends and family- all the better!

One Response to “About”

  1. Sal Says:

    Greetings from Singapore. Your blog is so cool -very impressive. You must have put in a lot of efforts making it look so nice. I love eating, that’s why was attracted by all these mouth-watering pics while blog-surfing. Am new to the blogging world, so my blog is still work in progress. Hv wanted to make it into a book blog, but who knows, I might be tempted to make it into a food blog 😀 Maybe you can gimme some ideas? Here’s it


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